Forequarter 10 Ribs

    هذه التركيبة غير موجودة.

    Forequarter is prepared from a Side by separating the Forequarter, cutting along the specific rib, at right angles to the vertebral column down to the ventral portion of the Flank.

    Points requiring specification:
    · Number of ribs.
    · Diaphragm removed.
    · M. Cutaneus trunci removed.
    · Trim standard.

    Shipping all over the world
    Kosher Certification
    Halal Certification
    SIF China
    AQSIQ (84021000044)

    الشروط والأحكام
    ضمان إرجاع الأموال خلال 30 يوماً
    الشحن: 2-3 أيام عمل